A Wife’s Confession — What I Wanted for 4th of July

This is what I would have wanted especially for myself — to be with my lover.

Damien Dsoul


This confession is rather late, and I hope you can bear with me for sending it at this untimely hour.

Fourth of July arrived and that evening, my husband and I sat on the front lawn of our neighbours’ yard to enjoy the fireworks spectacle in the distance. It is a tradition we undertake every year; last year was our turn to host. Our children played with their friends; the neighbourhood was awash with festive display.

It was all beautiful, except I wasn’t too keen about it. My reason was that I wished this time that I wasn’t there beside my husband or my kids. What I would have loved instead was to be with my secret lover, whom I’d been seeing for several weeks now. My husband has no idea that I’ve been sexually moonlighting and that I’ve been enjoying some good dick from a black man who lives across town.

Kissing him first and sucking his cock second is my preferred way of saying hi to him.

Howard would shit a ton of bricks if he found out that I’ve been cheating on him. Besides cheating, the fact that I’m having sex with a black man would make him blow his top. Howard…

